Common Setup
Coexsys PRM Cloud application pages contain following common components. These components are available at application level and provide the common framework for all applications process flows to work in an integrated manner.
Navigating through the Coexsys Project Cloud Pages
Depending on your user account role and privileges, you will see all application pages under the left Navigation Panel as shown below:

Main Navigation Panel
Top Header Panel
The top header panel consists of few common components as shown below.

The header panel contains following components.
This is the landing page for your application activities. The dashboard is quick snapshot of your daily activities, your applications and access to the knowledgebase and documentation.
Quick Start Video
The quick start video helps you to start using the application and its core features without substantial investment of your time and effort in learning the application.
Quick Start Video for Enterprise Users
Quick start video for Self Employed Users
Coexsys Tech Support
Technical Support to contact Coexsys technical support team for vendor support.
Access Controls
Coexsys Project Cloud is a role based access management system. This means all features and functionalities on this platform are administered by the level or roles assigned to the user.
The cloud platform has following user level roles. You can not create your own roles under this platform.
Administrator Role
The user with Administrator role has full access all pages and functionalities available under this project cloud platform. This user can see and update any user accounts, grant or revoke access, manage licenses and so on.
Manager Role
The user with Manager role can only access data and pages that are directly associated to his or her user account through various transactions such as projects, expense reports, supervisor to employee setups and so on. This role also grants the user ability to manage other users that are directly reporting to him or her.
User Role
The user with the user level role is the lowest level of role with minimum level of access. This role can only edit or view datasets that is directly created by the user himself. Furthermore, this user can only access functionalities and pages available to carry out job functions necessary to the user role.
The common setup>> Access control page outlines all the page level access permissions available to this roles. The access control page is for information purpose only and is only available to administrators.
Access control video:
List of system generated notifications from various application events.