Dashboard is the quick snapshot of your activities you perform while using PRIM suite applications. In summary, the dashboard consists of following.
- User Profile View
- Shortcuts
- Current Subscriptions
- Get Help Region

User Profile Region
The user profile region gives the read-only view of your user profile. You can only see your own profile here. Using user profile you can do following:
Upload / change your profile picture
See your profile settings
See the applications you are subscribed to.
Change your name.

Shortcuts are quick and easy way to navigate to your pages that you frequently use. This is an alternate way to using Navigation panel.
By default, when no shortcuts are created, you will see following message.
“You have not created any shortcuts yet.”
How to create shortcuts?
- Step 1: Navigate to any page in the application for which you would like to have a shortcut on the dashboard.
- Step 2: Click the arrow sign by the breadcrumb as shown below.

- Step 3: After you click the arrow sign, the arrow changes to following. Indicating that the shortcut has been created on the dashboard.

- Step 4: The shortcut is now available on the dashboard.

Your Subscriptions Region
The region titled “You are currently using following applications” lists all applications you have access to. This region contains two tabs. The second tab “Explore new apps” region contains the apps you have not subscribed to, but available to your for product trials and learning new applications.

Recent Activities Region
The recent activities region contains list of all system generated notifications in past 12 hours. This region contains latest system events to report on various transactions and business events.

Get Help Region
This region provides access to Coexsys PRM knowledgebase. In this region you can access all tutorials, documentation and request technical support from Coexsys support personnel. In addition, this region also displays various Coexsys sponsored events, webinars etc.