Expense Cloud Overview

Coexsys Project Expense cloud delivers accounting of project expenses when used together with Project Management Cloud.

In addition, the project expense cloud also works independent of Project management, as a means to only account for expenses.

The Expense management cloud has the following components.

  • Setup Expenditure Types
  • Access Management
  • Approval Management
  • Enter Expense Reports
  • Spend Analysis
  • Reports

Expense Cloud Editions

The Expense Cloud offers two distinct types of Expense entry. If you have subscribed for the Project Management Cloud, then the Expense cloud also enables entry and accounting of expense reports for a given Project. If you do not have a Project management subscription, then Expense cloud will provide expense reports entry without any Projects.

Expenditure Types

The expenditure type page is used to group your expenditure on expense reports. You can enter as many expenditure type as per your business needs. Using expenditure type you can control your budget ceiling amount beyond which the you can not submit expenses for a given expenditure type.

Edit Expenditure Types.

Access Management

Using Access Management Page, you can control various levels of activities allowed when managing expense reports. For example, you can designate who can can approve expense reports.

Expense Approval Management

Expense Approvals

For enterprises, users can submit expense reports to their supervisors.

Video: Expense Reports Approval

Enter Expenses

Use the Enter Expenses page to create expense reports. For Enterprise subscribers, these expense reports can be submitted to multiple approvers if necessary.

For self-employed subscribers, expense reports are self-approved. This means the system will not initiate any approval workflow.

Spend Analysis

Spend analysis is the state-of-the-art, interactive dashboard to get a 360-degree view of the all-expense reports of your organization. using this interactive dashboard, you can analyze spending by expenditure types, by the employee, by pay period, and by status.

Video: Spend Analysis


Following reports have been provided to run various reports in Project Expenses.

Video: Expense Tracking Cloud Overview

Video: Complete Deep Dive on Expense Tracking Processes